Advanced Lab Testing and Nutritional Blood Chemistry Analysis
At Center for Nutritional Healing… our approach is different. We focus on NUTRITION and FUNCTION (not disease). The key is to get the correct INFORMATION and proper ANALYSIS.
The first step is a comprehensive blood and urine analysis for all our new clients. This is a nutritional assessment of your body’s FUNCTION. There are three major components to our unique approach.
1. We focus on functional/healthy ranges when assessing your health, not just the standard/clinical ranges typically provided by the lab.
2. We order in-depth nutritional lab tests and then look at ten key areas of the body synergistically to find the root causes of imbalance in your body.
3. We combine your lab results with Nutrition Response Testing to create a one-of-a-kind, personalized supplement protocol, along with specific dietary recommendations tailored just for you.
We collect 74 blood biomarkers and 12 urine biomarkers and analyze them in different combinations. Here’s an example of some of the results we share with you. The full report is 14 pages in length.
Here are the essential key areas we assess
from your lab test results:
• Food Sensitivities & Digestion
• Blood Sugar Balance
• Immune/Inflammation
• Iron Balance/Anemia
Here are the accessory key areas we assess:
• Vitamins & Minerals
• Adrenal Function
• Thyroid Function
• Liver Function/Kidney Function
• Hydration
• Cardiovascular Risk
Combining the Advanced Lab Testing described above with Nutrition Response Testing provides us with an incredibly powerful look at root causes and the exact nutrition your unique body needs to turn your health around through changes to your diet and targeted supplementation.
advanced lab testing testimonial:
“As an established client at Center for Nutritional Healing, I am so glad you extended your services to include advanced lab testing. Because I chose to get the lab work, I am now aware of some crucial problems that I can resolve that were causing me major health issues. As a health care professional, I know traditional medicine would never have included all the testing you suggested.” - Theresa C, Registered Nurse
We look forward to sharing these health- and life-changing technologies with you!
Disclaimer: Advanced Lab Testing with Nutritional Blood Chemistry Analysis is considered a form of functional, integrative, and/or complementary medicine and is used to provide information to a practitioner about imbalances in a client’s body and determine what is needed to correct those imbalances via changes to diet, natural supplementation, and lifestyle adjustments. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.