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Help for Women's Hormones - There's a Better Way!

by Cindy Harrington, CNC, CHS, CINHC, CYT
Nutritional Counselor & Master Nutrition Response Testing® Practitioner
Center for Nutritional Healing

We women are so accustomed to suffering! We don't know any other way! We accept crazy, debilitating symptoms as an expected part of life.

  • Menstrual cramps, headaches, migraines, nausea, acne, breast tenderness, sleep disturbances, mood swings, anxiety and depression, sugar cravings, obesity, sexual pain

  • Infertility and the desperation and despair that goes with it

  • Children with special needs including autism, ADHD, learning disabilities, asthma, allergies, and more

  • Menopausal symptoms like weight gain, night sweats, vaginal dryness, osteopenia, osteoporosis, arthritis, chronic pain, memory issues

  • Risk for serious illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, cancers

Common with so many of us is an underlying current of stress and fatigue. We turn to pharmaceutical medications to make life bearable, to cope, to give us hope. Often, these medications do nothing more than serve as a temporary band aid and mask the underlying problems that are simply not being handled.

There is another way, where your body is honored and nourished, where true healing can and does take place. Your body will heal when the root cause of your ill heath is handled. For example, it is possible to:

  • Identify the cause of gastrointestinal issues and then heal your distressed gut

  • Identify any underlying immune challenge and giving your immune system the support it needs to fight it off and move it out

  • Identify the toxins that are stored in your body, causing terrible problems, and gently clear them away

When we dedicate ourselves to handling the root cause of your health problems, we make way for the body to do what it does so well, heal itself! The digestive system gets stronger and functions as it should, allowing our bodies and minds to be nourished. The immune system gets stronger and protects us. Our heart gets healthier and healthier, stronger and stronger.

And our hormones regulate! Then, our monthly cycles become so much easier. We're able to conceive. Our pregnancies have better outcomes. Our babies are healthier. We remain strong and vibrant women in later life. We can live with confidence, not in fear of becoming another statistic.

When the body functions as it is meant to, we don't need to rely on medications to cope. We have great energy. We're productive. Our risk for serious illness is dramatically reduced. We have what it takes to handle life's stresses. And we thrive, our children thrive, our families thrive.

Are your hormone’s unbalanced? Do you need help with your health? Be in touch with me.